Hindsight Is 20/20. Foresight Isn’t.
The Greek stock market swung from a 37% decline last year to a 37% advance this year.
The Greek stock market swung from a 37% decline last year to a 37% advance this year.
If an advisor isn’t willing to explain the recommendations they are making and how they’re getting compensated, it’s time to find a new advisor.
EPISODE 16. Free Trades, Stock Picking, Paul Rudd, Q&A
EPISODE 14. McDonald's, Vaping, Fighting Joe Rogan
EPISODE 13. Student Loan Forgiveness, Passive Investing, What I Wish They Taught Me
The nature of investing is harnessing risk. You take your money and place it in some type of investment (stocks, bonds, real estate, ETFs, options, etc.), and expect to it offer a positive return. To get any type of positive return, we have to accept some form of risk. Companies go bankrupt, currency can become devalued. That’s just the nature of the game. During the course of your life, you’re almost guaranteed to have some investment(s) that lose money. That’s a scary statement, but just like in jiu jitsu you have to accept that risk, do everything you can to minimize it (such as diversify your portfolio and have appropriate insurance), and move forward.